
Looking to buy or sell an interesting car? We can help.


Whether you’re after a specific year of car, a specific model, or specific trim options, we know what’s for sale (and where) and are able to track down just about any request, worldwide. Just fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch!


Have a car you want to move? We’ve been tracking sales for over a decade and know what types of cars sell best at which specific sales. From Brass Era cars to muscle cars and beyond, we know which sales will get your car in front of the right audience and get you the most for your ride.

Services we offer:

  • Auction location and advice
  • Interfacing with an auction house and your behalf – $
  • Full representation of you car at auction – $$

Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    I Am Looking To: (required)


    Car of Interest: (required)

    Other Notes: