1974 Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 TT 12
Offered by Gooding & Company | Pebble Beach, California | August 18, 2017
The Alfa Romeo Tipo 33 was a series of awesome prototype racing cars built by Alfa between 1966 and 1977. We’ve previously featured the Tipo 33/2 and 33/3, which were two of the earlier designs. The TT 12 was the second-to-last version and it was built between 1973 and 1976.
Prior to this car, the Tipo 33s were V-8 powered. For 1973, they opted to install a 3.0-liter flat-12 that puts out 500 horsepower. The “TT” does not stand for “twin turbocharged” but instead references the car’s tubular chassis. This was a factory race car, owned and operated by Autodelta S.p.A. and under their direction, it competed in the following races:
- 1975 1000km Monza – DNF (with Henri Pescarolo and Derek Bell)
- 1975 1000km Spa – 1st (with Pescarolo and Bell)
- 1975 1000km Nurburgring – DNF (with Pescarolo and Bell)
- 1975 6 Hours of Watkins Glen – 1st (with Pescarolo and Bell)
That’s just a few of the big races it competed in, as it ended up winning at least one more. For 1976, Alfa replaced the 33 TT 12s with the next generation car and this example was parked. In 1980, Autodelta dealt this car to a collector in California who has owned it since. It’s shown up at the Monterey Historics six times over the years and you can take it there next year. Only six of these were built and this one should bring between $2,400,000-$2,800,000. Click here for more info and here for more from this sale.
Update: Not sold.
Wie ich an ein neues Auto komme, mit niedrige raten da ich nur eine kleine erwerbsminderungsrente bekomme. Möchte gerne ein kleines Neues Auto für mich und meiner hündin sowas wie ein 500 fiat sportlich und hübsch. Habe für mich ca. 450 Euro zu Verfügung Miete und alles schon abgezogen, kriege kein neu Fahrzeug finanziert weil ich in Insolvenz bin,hätte aber gerne ein neues Auto wegen meinen ganzen artzt besuchen auch in den Winter Monaten. Könnt ihr mir da helfen? Mfg Michael Jarchow.